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Karratha BMX Club

Karratha BMX Club - Scott Cycles Championship Series - Round 7

Fri, 11 Sep 2020
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Information you will need for online rego,

  • Riders' first and surnames
  • BMXA Licence Number - all riders must have a valid BMXA licence, follow the link below to purchase a licence or renew if expired. https://bmxaustralia.com.au/membership/
  • Plate Number (Sprockets and Age Class Only)
  • Transponder Number (Age Class Only)

**You must be registered to race. Regos will close on Friday afternoon at 5pm. No regos will be taken at the window on the night. Once you have registered online you do not need to attend the rego window on Friday night. If you need some help or have any questions please let us know**


Regos are $7 per rider ($6 per rider for Mini Wheelers). 


All riders are placed in divisions from an average of their race times. If you have a special request or any concerns with regards to your rider's division please contact the club. 


The club uses the online platform Sqorz to manage registrations, scoring and timing. To view moto draws and race times follow the link below (works best on a mobile device)



Race Times,

6.00 – 6.15pm Mini Wheelers & Pedal Mini Wheelers session 1

6.15 – 6.45pm Practice/warm-up for all riders

6.45 – 7.00pm Mini Wheeler & Pedal Mini Wheelers session 2

7.00pm Gate drop

Mini Wheelers are welcome to ride again at half time


  • The club can accommodate 300 people with 100 per zone. Our zones will be the southern/first straight side of the track, the grassed viewing area and the staging/track/hill area - please ensure appropriate social distancing in these spaces.
  • The drink fountain has been turned off so please bring ample water for your rider/riders.
  • All regos are to be completed online prior to racing - online regos close Friday afternoons 5pm.
  • At this stage we will not be hiring out gloves/helmets so please ensure you bring your own equipment.
  • The club's Covid-19 Safety Plan Certificate will be on display outside the clubroom.



6pm - 6.15pm Mini Wheelers & Pedal Mini Wheelers
6.15 - 6.45 Practice/Warm Up - All Ages
6.45 - 7pm Mini Wheelers & Pedal Mini Wheelers
7pm Gate Drop
Ticket Type Price
Sprocket Rego 2020 Club Membership Required $7.00 Sale Ended
Age Class Rego 2020 Club Membership Required $7.00 Sale Ended
Mini Wheeler Rego 2020 Club Membership Required $6.00 Sale Ended
Karratha Bmx Club
Karratha Bmx Club, 84 Rosemary Rd, Baynton WA 6714, Australia

84 Rosemary Rd, Karratha, Western Australia, 6714, Australia

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